
歌詞 "Down" 的中英對照歌詞與中文翻譯



歌詞相關(guān)歌手:JADEN SMITH

English lyrics 中文翻譯對照歌詞

Down down down 下來下來下來

Down down down 下來下來下來

Down down down 下來下來下來

Down down down 下來下來下來


Aye girl how you livin tonight? 埃姑娘你怎么活著今晚?

Can I get forgiven tonight? 我可以得到原諒欧美日韩色一区二区三区视频,今晚?

Cause the way that it's lookin like I'm sinnin' tonight 事業(yè)的方式在线高清无码黄片,它是看著像我sinnin今晚

Cause I'm lookin' and I see a lot of women tonight 因為我看著的性爱小视频欧美,我看到很多女人今晚

You probably tryna blow me off 你可能tryna把我吹斷

So go stunning on my swag so you know I'm boss- 所以還是驚艷于我的贓物国产精品视频网站免丝袜,所以你知道我BOSS-


You know a jocker gotta ball 你知道jocker得球

But say how'd you get it back cause I never lost it 不過,說你怎么把它找回來十八黄色网站,因為我從來沒有失去它

You know why jockers stay afloat 你知道為什么jockers維持下去

They love the music they don't know to really play it though 他們熱愛音樂欧美性爱网站在线免费观看,他們不知道,雖然真正發(fā)揮它

Is it just cause I'm a manner? 難道僅僅是因為我的方式日本黄页网站免费观看?

And I'm tickin' like a timer and all my ladies stylin and you're with me 而我tickin就像一個計時器和我所有的女士們斯蒂林和你和我在一起

I'm a clothes designer and I'm hotter than an iron 我是一名服裝設(shè)計師亚洲人妖性爱,我比鐵更熱

And the irony's entired and I'm winnin 而具有諷刺意味的entired ,我WINNIN

And I'm winnin 而且我WINNIN

Maybach, yea I'm in it 邁巴赫欧美老妇乱又伦A片,是啊A毛片在线导航,我在這

Girl why you trippin? Take a minute oh jeeez 女孩為什么你踐踏?花一分鐘哦jeeez

Girl I'm kidding 女孩亚洲天堂av天堂草,我是在開玩笑

Take you to my spot, I can show you how I'm livin 帶你到我的位置,我可以告訴你我是如何活著

Get up in my car but only if you're with it 起床我的車妓女一级AA黄色视频,但只有當(dāng)你用它

We'd be kissin' in the back cause my windows stay tinted 我們就親吻在后面導(dǎo)致我的窗戶留有色

I just did it to em 我只是做了它的EM

No girl, I'm not timid 沒有女孩亚洲中文AⅤ中文字幕每天被,我不是膽小

You can hit them on the car, don't got a limit 你可以打他們的車,不要有限制

Even if you did, lil jocker did hit it 即使你做到了国产www黄,律jocker沒打它

Cause you keep on going higher ever since I started spittin 因為你不斷走高自從我開始吐口水

Girl you sad, I get it 女孩人人摸一人人操,你難過的時候,我明白了

Girl you mad, what is it? 女孩黄色在线视频免费观看的网站,你瘋了https://cao127.com,是什么呢?

Something bad? I fix it 什么不好日本免费高清视频www?解決呢

But all you want is swag 但你想要的是贓物

Well, I'm glad that you are ready 好吧国产精品久久视频,我很高興你已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好

Cause these jockers trippin 踐踏導(dǎo)致這些jockers


So this is my town 因此,這是我的家鄉(xiāng)

Teo in the spot when the joker ain't around 張志賢在現(xiàn)場狂插美女女阴道动态,當(dāng)小丑不在身邊

Pat me on the head, just be careful of the crown 拍拍我的頭97性美女爽爽视频5,只是小心些而已冠

And my dad said that you still lost til you found 我爸說,你還是輸了黄片爆草中文字幕,直到你找到

And you keep em going down 和你保持EM下去


Sometimes life is hard, don't let love get you down 有時候人人摸人人操人人干人人射,生活是艱難的,不要讓愛你的情緒

Don't do it girl, don't do it 不這樣做的女孩中文字幕-CaO|草榴神社,不要做

You're so beautiful but baby, who knew it? 你是如此美麗可以免费在线观看的A片,但嬰兒,誰知道香蕉五月天色?


Sometimes life is hard, don't let love get you down 有時候自拍偷拍日韩欧美,生活是艱難的,不要讓愛你的情緒

I admit it, I get these from you trippin 我承認午夜视频在线观看91,我踐踏国产精品15,讓這些從你

We either break-up or make up so forget it 我們要么分手或補足就這樣算了吧


Girl you walked up in the night club 女孩18禁特黄级福利网站,你在夜總會走了

Well, you walked up in the right club 那么,你在正確的俱樂部走到

And some dudes tryna get something 和一些帥哥tryna得到的東西

Well, it's bout to be a fight club 嗯国产一级毛片久久久久久,這是布特是一個搏擊俱樂部

Cause I be lookin for a hottie with a body 因為我可以找誰了身體棘手

Girl you ready? Thinkin it 女孩国产乱子伦农村XXXX琪琪777,你準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?想著它

Girl I got you drinkin' 女孩我給你喝

And the next day pickin, wickin, sneakin 和第二天再找亚洲色图拍自拍, wickin 黄色激情污片网站,正在偷

My room for the weekend 我的房間在周末

Tell that chef that you a vegan 告訴廚師你一個素食主義者

Baby you ain't never leaving 寶貝,你是不是從來沒有離開

Guess you want a cheek when you sleepin 想你想的臉頰一级a在线爱免费观看欧美,當(dāng)你睡

Beacon of light 光信標(biāo)

Baby girl, good night 女嬰好爽好湿好大好疼视频,晚安

I know that you on my side 我知道你就在我身邊

But that's only for the night 但是,這只能在夜晚

Why it always gotta feel wrong when it's right? 為什么總是得感覺不對勁時成人无码秒播在线观看视频免费下载,它是正確的欧美乱伦视频啊啊?

And it's about to go down and you know it 它是關(guān)于下去,你知道它

Girl I really like it so just throw it down 女孩欧美全黄视频,我真的很喜歡它亚洲tv精品一区二区三区,只是把它降

Girl on the mop you ain't a poet 女孩在拖把,你是不是詩人

You gon be at home tryna hold it down 你們就能在家tryna下來握住

When you get mad girl I know it 當(dāng)你生氣的女孩久久国产精品特及毛片,我知道它

That's when you take your phone and you throw it down 這時候厕拍网站,你把你的手機和你扔了下去

I'm looking at you now and you going 我看你現(xiàn)在,你打算

And I looks up in my eyes and you know it 我看在我眼里在线看国产黄av,你知道它

And I hold it but it's bout to go down 我拿著它图片区偷拍区,但它是回合下去

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井

It's about to go down down down... 這是關(guān)于走下來下來下來......


So this is my town 因此,這是我的家鄉(xiāng)

Teo in the spot when the joker ain't around 張志賢在現(xiàn)場又色又爽又舒服的视频,當(dāng)小丑不在身邊

Pat me on the head, just be careful of the crown 拍拍我的頭国产人人操人人摸,只是小心些而已冠

And my dad said that you still lost til you found 我爸說,你還是輸了日韩欧美一级片视屏,直到你找到

It's about to go down 這是關(guān)于下井


Sometimes life is hard, don't let love get you down 有時候亚洲免费视频在线视频,生活是艱難的,不要讓愛你的情緒

Don't do it girl, don't do it 不這樣做的女孩国产黄色视频A片,不要做

You're so beautiful but baby, who knew it? 你是如此美麗中文字幕免费在线播放,但嬰兒,誰知道美国高清无码免费看bb?


Sometimes life is hard, don't let love get you down 有時候久久久久精品免视频94久久精品视频,生活是艱難的,不要讓愛你的情緒

I admit it, I get these from you trippin 我承認黄色视频bb大,我踐踏国产调教免费视频免费专区,讓這些從你

We either break-up or make up so forget it 我們要么分手或補足就這樣算了吧


Sometimes life is hard, don't let love get you down 有時候,生活是艱難的国产午夜三级片免费观看,不要讓愛你的情緒

Don't do it baby, don't do it 不這樣做日韩激情无码一级毛片久久,寶貝黄色视频永久免费观看,不要做

You're so beautiful but girl, who knew it? 你這么漂亮的女孩,但是午夜理伦电影在线不卡717,誰知道人人人人人人人人人干干干干干干干干干我?


Sometimes life is hard, don't let love get you down 有時候,生活是艱難的中文字幕无码永久无线无码,不要讓愛你的情緒

I admit it, I get these from you trippin 我承認射射射老司机插插插,我踐踏,讓這些從你

We either break-up or make up so forget it 我們要么分手或補足就這樣算了吧

歌詞 Down 的中文對照歌詞翻譯地址:http://gzsyzz.cn/lyrics/lyric/down-48/

歌詞 Down 的作者與版權(quán)信息:


Marc Kinchen


BMG Platinum Songs