
歌詞 "It's Nothin' To Me" 的中英對照歌詞與中文翻譯

It's Nothin' To Me


歌詞相關(guān)歌手:JIM REEVES

English lyrics 中文翻譯對照歌詞

Take your drink to the end of the bar, buddy 把你喝了吧aigao在线,哥們月底

Let her be, now don't be a fool 讓她黑人α片,現(xiàn)在也不是一個傻瓜

I'd soon have a hot seat in Sing Sing, buddy 我想很快就會有一個炎熱的座位在唱唱歌国产日韩区,哥們

Than to sit down by her on that stool. 比坐下來通過她的凳子上。


What's that you say 什么,你說

I guess you're right 我想你是對的

It's nothin' to me. 這是什么也沒給我三轮美女毛片美女毛片美女。


See that man she belongs to him, buddy 看到了他iGao视频入口,她是屬于他的,哥們

Better drink up and go while you can 更好地喝起來走日本超碰在线免费观看一级,而你可以

I can tell by the way he looks at you, buddy 我可以通過他看著你的樣子女人16一毛片,哥們告訴

He's sure out with temper jealous man. 他肯定了與脾氣吃醋的男人。


What's that you say 什么日本性爱三级片免费在线播放,你說

I guess you're right 我想你是對的

It's nothin' to me. 這是什么也沒給我国产平胸美女在线观看。


There you are stretched out on the floor, buddy 有你伸出在地板上,哥們

Now you see what you made him do 現(xiàn)在五月社社社色区,你看你做什么他做

Here they come to take him off to jail, buddy 在這里40分钟视频在线观看免费黄,他們來把他關(guān)進監(jiān)獄,哥們

And tomorrow someone will bury you. 而明天有人會埋葬你欧美日本大片在线观看黄。


Oh, well that's life 哦久久A毛片超清无码一区二区三区,這就是生活

Or it was 或者A级黄丝袜网站,它是

It's nothin' to me... 這沒什么国产精品湿润,我...

歌詞 It's Nothin' To Me 的中文對照歌詞翻譯地址:http://gzsyzz.cn/lyrics/lyric/it_s-nothin_-to-me/