
歌詞 "The Light That Blinds" 的中英對照歌詞與中文翻譯

The Light That Blinds



English lyrics 中文翻譯對照歌詞

A crack forms in the foundation à裂紋形成的基礎

Fault line through your defenses 通過你的防御斷層線

Illuminating the essence 照明的本質

Once clouded by a myth 一旦蒙上陰影神話


Store bought conformity 商店買符合

Force-fed duality, I warp reality 強行喂食偶无码av永久免费专区调教,我翹曲現實


The comfort that you will find, 你會發(fā)現舒適免费爽A片在线观看无打码漫画,

As you remain hidden. 當你仍然是隱藏的。

The light betrays, 光原形畢露,

casting your true self away, 鑄造真正的自我了,

They remain blinded. 他們仍然失明。


As Vanity possesses me 由于虛榮占據了我

I am turning further away 我轉向漸行漸遠

Gripped by a belief in empty words 在空話的信念心驚肉跳

Driven by a need to prove 驅動由一個需要證明


The shell may wither 殼可能枯萎

But the fire burns eternal 但火勢燃燒永恒


You hide behind 你躲在后面

...cower... ......畏縮...

The light that blinds 在光簾


Will never find 將永遠找不到

What burns inside 什么里面燃燒

You remain blind 你視而不見

Behind the light 光的背后

歌詞 The Light That Blinds 的中文對照歌詞翻譯地址:http://gzsyzz.cn/lyrics/lyric/the-light-that-blinds/