
歌詞 "Two Princes" 的中英對照歌詞與中文翻譯

Two Princes



English lyrics 中文翻譯對照歌詞

One, two princes kneel before you 一,二王子之前爱爱午夜福利视频,你跪

That what I said now 那我現在說

Princes, princes who adore you 諸侯,諸侯誰愛你

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

One has diamonds in his pockets 一個人在他的口袋里的鉆石

That's some bread, now 這是一些面包求个国产av网站,現在

This one said he wants to buy you rockets 這人說他要買你的火箭

Ain't in his head, now 是不是在他的頭上欧美日韩免费在线不卡视频,現在


This one he got a princely racket 這一次,他得到了一個王子球拍

That's what I said now 這就是我現在說

Got some Big Seal upon his jacket 在他的夾克有一些大的海豹

Ain't in his head now 是不是在他的頭上国产精品综合第三页,現在

You marry him, your father will condone you 你嫁給他黄色视频网址入口,你父親會原諒你

How 'bout that now 怎么回合,現在

You marry me, your father will disown you 你愿意嫁給我精精国产XXXX视频在线直播1,你父親會不認你

He'll eat his hat, now 他會吃了他的帽子狼友视频在线观,現在


Marry him, marry me 嫁給他,嫁給我吧

I'm the one that loved you baby can't you see? 我就是愛你欧美一级片在线视频网站,寶貝你看不到的呢视频一区国内自拍?

Ain't got no future or family tree 沒有得到任何未來或家譜

But I know what a prince and lover ought to be 但我知道什么是王子和情人應該是

I know what a prince and lover ought be 我知道什么是王子和情人應該是


Said if you want to call me baby 如果你想叫我寶貝說:

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to tell me maybe 如果你想告訴我,也許

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you wanted to buy me flowers 如果你想給我買的花

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to talk for hours 如果你想談幾個小時

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)


Said one, two princes kneel before you 其中一個說爱搞,为爱搞点激情,你才二皇子下跪

That what I said now 那我現在說

Princes, princes who adore you 諸侯国产合集久久,諸侯誰愛你

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

One has diamonds in his pockets 一個人在他的口袋里的鉆石

That's some bread, now 這是一些面包,現在

This one said he wants to buy you rockets 這人說他要買你的火箭

Ain't in his head, now 是不是在他的頭上夜色福利免费网页在线视频,現在


Marry him, marry me 嫁給他日韩久久网,嫁給我吧

I'm the one that loved you baby can't you see? 我就是愛你,寶貝你看不到的呢又粗又大又爽?

Ain't got no future or family tree 沒有得到任何未來或家譜

But I know what a prince and lover ought to be 但我知道什么是王子和情人應該是

I know what a prince and lover ought be 我知道什么是王子和情人應該是


Said if you want to call me baby 如果你想叫我寶貝說:

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to tell me maybe 如果你想告訴我精品高潮一区二区在线观看,也許

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you wanted to buy me flowers 如果你想給我買的花

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to talk for hours 如果你想談幾個小時

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you want to call me baby 如果你想叫我寶貝

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to tell me maybe 如果你想告訴我一级特黄无费真人毛片,也許

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to buy me flowers 如果你想給我買的花

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to talk for hours 如果你想談幾個小時

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

If you want to call me baby 如果你想叫我寶貝

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to tell me maybe 如果你想告訴我国产日韩欧美专区,也許

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

If you want to buy me flowers 如果你想給我買的花

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

And if you like to talk for hours 如果你想談幾個小時

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

Oh Baby! 哦国产二级黄片视频,寶貝!

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

Oh! 哦国产精品口爆一区二区!

Just just go ahead now 只是剛才前進

Oh, your majesty! 呵呵好看的欧美一级A片,陛下!

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

Come on forget the King who... marry me! 快點忘記國王誰...嫁給我吧欧美变态另类熟妇第一区!

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

Come on, come on, come on 來吧欧日美韩中文字幕,來吧,來吧

Just go ahead now 剛才繼續(xù)

Go ahead now 來吧www.日日干.com,現在

Just go ahead now, [etc.] 剛才先走69天堂网, [等]

歌詞 Two Princes 的中文對照歌詞翻譯地址:http://gzsyzz.cn/lyrics/lyric/two-princes/

歌詞 Two Princes 的作者與版權信息:


Mark White, Christopher Gross, Aaron Comess, Eric Schenkman


Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Mowb'Jow Music Inc.