
歌詞 "You Sleep Alone" 的中英對照歌詞與中文翻譯

You Sleep Alone



English lyrics 中文翻譯對照歌詞

Oh dear, love's such a chore 哦免费看美女操蛋蛋,親愛的日韩午夜在线试看网站视频,愛的這種苦差事

Something you've got but you never show 東西你有国内偷拍专区,但你永遠不顯示

It's like some deed left undone 這就像一些行為百廢待興

Or a reap you'll never sow 或收獲日韩ww频在线免费观看,你永遠也不會播


It's like you'll never get it done 這就像你永遠不會把它做

It's like you'll never get it done 這就像你永遠不會把它做

It's like you'll never get it done 這就像你永遠不會把它做


Where's your heart? where's your head? 哪里是你的心臟亚洲精品黄色网站视频在线观看?哪里是你的頭上国产一级一级一级污黄?

Girl, your body's in my bed 女孩国产三级视频在线,你的身體在我的床

I know it's hard to forget, every word we've said 我知道這是很難忘記,每一個字我們說


But it's like you'll never let it go 但它就像你永遠不會放手

It's like you'll never let it go 這就像你永遠也不會放手

It's you'll never let it go 這是你永遠也不會放手


Oh, I know it's hard 哦热热无码,我知道這很難

Oh, but lover, I don't know just where you are 呵呵欧洲不卡毛片无码视频在线播放,不過情人,我不知道剛才你在哪里

I've been trying to find ways to find your lover's heart 我一直在想辦法找你的愛人的心臟

End up with your cold shoulder, uh oh 結束了你的閉門羹深夜免费福利,嗯哦

Oh I am not crumbling 哦电影天堂黄色,我不是搖搖欲墜

Though I thought that I might from what it's done to me 雖然我認為我可能與它的完成我

It might never be the way we thought it ought to be 它可能永遠是這樣欧美视频精品二区,我們認為它應該是

Lovers never sleep alone, uh oh 情人不再孤獨入睡,嗯哦


Oh my god, what a mess 哦a视频在线,我的上帝无码Aa在线看性色,什么亂七八糟的

Oo it is, I must confess OO是,我必須承認

Every word I say to you 每一個字我對你們說

Swept from the floor underneath the rug 從地板風靡地毯下方


Oh it's like we'll never clean it up 哦黄片导航,這就像我們永遠不會把它打掃干凈

it's like we'll never clean it up! 這就像我們永遠不會把它打掃干凈人人干人人98!

It's like we'll, never..clean it up! 這就像我們會, never..clean吧嘿咻嘿咻免费无码专区在线播放!


Oh, I know it's hard 哦久久久久久久精品免费久久,我知道這很難

Oh, but lover, I don't know just where you are 呵呵,不過情人美女被操到喷在线看,我不知道剛才你在哪里

I've been trying to find ways to find your lover's heart 我一直在想辦法找你的愛人的心臟

End up with your cold shoulder, uh oh 結束了你的閉門羹内射网站,嗯哦

Oh I am not crumbling 哦,我不是搖搖欲墜

Though I thought that I might from what it's done to me 雖然我認為我可能與它的完成我

It might never be the way we thought it ought to be 它可能永遠是這樣亚洲色图欧美色图综合,我們認為它應該是

Lovers never sleep alone, uh oh 情人不再孤獨入睡欧美有码中文高清视频观看,嗯哦


And you sleep alone 和你一個人睡

And you sleep alone 和你一個人睡

And you sleep alone 和你一個人睡

'Cause you sleep alone! “因為你獨自睡覺!


Oh, I know it's hard 哦黄色毛片高清视频,我知道這很難

Oh, but lover, I don't know just where you are 呵呵www.XXXX黄色在线视频,不過情人,我不知道剛才你在哪里

I've been trying to find ways to find your lover's heart 我一直在想辦法找你的愛人的心臟

End up with your cold shoulder, uh oh 結束了你的閉門羹免费一级毛片在线观看视频,嗯哦

Oh I am not crumbling 哦www.sdfsx.com,我不是搖搖欲墜

Though I thought that I might from what it's done to me 雖然我認為我可能與它的完成我

It might never be the way we thought it ought to be 它可能永遠是這樣,我們認為它應該是

Lovers never sleep alone, uh oh 情人不再孤獨入睡免费乱伦黄色网站视频,嗯哦

歌詞 You Sleep Alone 的中文對照歌詞翻譯地址:http://gzsyzz.cn/lyrics/lyric/you-sleep-alone/