
英語人>網(wǎng)絡(luò)例句>Marxist 相關(guān)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)例句

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與 Marxist 相關(guān)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)例句 [注:此內(nèi)容來源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)被操免费视频观看网址,僅供參考]

In the process of leading the Chinese revolution and construction and in the practice of dealing with the ethnic affairs, the Chinese Communist Party has inherited the fundamental principles on ethnic theories of Marxism-Leninism, has developed and pioneered a suitable way to solve the ethnic issues according to the situation of China, and has formulated the Marxist and Leninist ethnic theories with peculiar Chinese characteristics.


In particular, some researchers to further the principle of emancipating the mind, to re-examine Lenin's theory, found and corrected the theoretical understanding of the past Lenin's theory of deviation, the restoration of the original Leninist theory, which is a comprehensive study and master the correct Marxist theory, fully and correctly understand the history of socialism and experience are of great significance.


Their origin can be traced to the split in 1967 of the Communist Party of India , leading to formation of Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist).


Marxist practical view has a historical process of direct line of succession in China.


We are Marxist in our historical approach and must not lop off our history.


In the class I took on the history of modern Germany, for example, Prof. Henry Turner focuses his lectures exclusively on the socio-political development of Germany since Bismarck. The reading includes the biography of Bismarck by AG Taylor, excerpts from German Marxist Eduard Bernstein's political writing and 19th century German historian Heinrich von Treitschke's lecture notes, Heinrich Mann's novel Man of Straw, excerpts from Hitler's Mein Kampf, Michael Allen's The Nazi Seizure of Power, and many other books.


On the basis of analyzing this theory,the article clears up the difference between Mannheim s theory and Marxist Materialist Conception of History.


This group is more likely to include students of Marxist and Maoist thought.


And later in the further study of the Marxist theory, Marcuse initially formed his own distinctive philosophy of social criticism.


This paper reference to the Marxist theory of ideology, and re-understand the science and technology, then to evaluate Marcuse\'s concept of science and technology.


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The Marxist Brothers

And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.

47:5 法老對約瑟說在线视频一区亚洲,你父親和你弟兄們到你這里來了。

Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.


Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...
