查詢詞典 Pietistic
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Shortly after Mather's death the American Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s exhibited pietistic features.
Shortly after Mather's death the American Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s exhibited pietistic features.
The crucial historical question is whether pietistic antitraditionalism, individualism, and practicality paved the way for a non - Christian expression of these same traits in the Enlightenment.
關(guān)鍵的歷史問題是天天添天天透天天摸精品,是否pietistic antitraditionalism 黄色免费专区,個人主義,和實用性鋪平了道路看书看黄片搜黄片色毛片,為一個非-基督教的表達同樣是這些性狀的啟示东北老处女人69xxxx。
When Philip Schaff came to Mercersburg in 1844 from the University of Berlin, he brought along an appreciation for Germany's new idealistic philosophy and for its pietistic church renewal as well.
The crucial historical question is whether pietistic antitraditionalism, individualism, and practicality paved the way for a non - Christian expression of these same traits in the Enlightenment.
在關(guān)鍵的歷史問題是,是否pietistic antitraditionalism 裸体美女被操黄色网站,個人主義亚中文字幕偷拍欧美另类,和實用性鋪平了道路非-基督教表達這些相同的性狀的啟示。
The New England Puritan Cotton Mather, who corresponded with Francke, strove to encourage pietistic vitality in the New World.
And Wesley's Methodism, with its emphasis on Scripture, its commitment to evangelism and edification, its practical social benevolence, and its evangelical ecumenicity, was pietistic to the core.
和韋斯利的衛(wèi)理宗黄色视频射啦啦啦,其重點是經(jīng)文,其承諾欧美性爱观看视频,傳道和啟迪欧美一级片欧美色性,其實際的社會善,其福音事工促進會永久福利资源免费视频, ecumenicity 美女高潮喷水黄色视频,是pietistic向核心。
At its worst the pietistic tendency can lead to inordinate subjectivism and emotionalism; it can discourage careful scholarship; it can fragment the church through enthusiastic separatism; it can establish new codes of almost legalistic morality; and it can underrate the value of Christian traditions.
At its worst the pietistic tendency can lead to inordinate subjectivism and emotionalism; it can discourage careful scholarship; it can fragment the church through enthusiastic separatism; it can establish new codes of almost legalistic morality; and it can underrate the value of Christian traditions.
As a plea for the Christian position, addressed chiefly to both Gentiles and Jews, the young deacon's apology, while undoubtedly reminiscential in methods and ideas of Origen and the earlier Alexandrians, is, nevertheless, strongly individual and almost pietistic in tone.
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And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
47:5 法老對約瑟說亚洲曰本无码av中文字幕,你父親和你弟兄們到你這里來了日本乱人伦视频一区二区三区。
Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.
Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...