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In order to isolate the active compounds in ethyl acetate fraction of Psoralea corylifolia L., activity-guided isolation was performed along with chromatographic techniques. Four active compounds were isolated from ethyl acetate fraction and identified by their NMR spectral data and physical-chemical properties. They are corylin and bavachin, which showed stimulating effect on osteoblastic proliferation and differentiation, isopsoralen and psoralen exhibited activity of promoting cell differentiation in some degree.
The condensation of aromatic aldehydes with active methylene compounds like malononitrile, cyanoacetamide and ethyl cyanoacetate has been found to proceed very efficiently at room temperature giving excellent yields, but the condensation of heteroaromatic,α,β-unsaturated and aliphatic aldehydes with active methylene compounds proceeded smoothly in 50~65℃ with good yields and the reactions of aromatic, aliphatic ketones as well as p-phthalaldehyde with malononitrile also proceeded in 75~85℃ with moderate yields.
In volatile oil of processed Cyperus, the contents of alkene and ketone compounds are more than those in unprocessed Cypreus, while the content of acid compounds is less than that of unprocessed Cypreus.
Heterotrophic nitrification bacteria are able to utilize organic carbon sources to grow and produce hydroxylamine, nitrite and nitrate from nitrogen compounds, and most of them can also denitrify these products to gaseous nitrogen compounds simultaneously.
For pre-selection of iron compounds that ferrous sulfate, ferrous chloride, ferrous fumarate, carbonyl iron, amino acid chelated iron, iron asporotate, fenic chloride and ferric pyrophosphate were added in reconstituted skim milk to undergo in vitro digestion, respectively, and then the selected iron compounds were added in reconstituted whole milk to compare the iron bioavailability by estimating dialyzable ferrous iron, dialyzable total iron, nondialyzable and total ferrous iron, respectively.
取硫酸亞鐵www.aaaaaaaav、反丁烯二酸亞鐵、氯化亞鐵欧美午夜免费福利、艱基鐵久久久久久免费大片、Iron asporotate、Amino acid chelated iron国产日韩Av无码毛片尤物、氯化鐵與焦磷酸鐵等不同鐵劑添加於脫脂還原乳中進行體外消化試驗av在线黄色网站,并篩選生物利用性佳之鐵劑分別添加於全脂還原乳中,以可透析二價鐵看黄名站在线、可透析總鐵国产欧美精品一区AⅤ、未透析二價鐵及總二價鐵等作為評估之指標。
For pre-selection of iron compounds that ferrous sulfate, ferrous chloride, ferrous fumarate, carbonyl iron, amino acid chelated iron, iron asporotate, fenic chloride and ferric pyrophosphate were added in reconstituted skim milk to undergo in vitro digestion, respectively, and then the selected iron compounds were added in reconstituted whole milk to compare the iron bioavailability by estimating dialyzable ferrous iron, dialyzable total iron, nondialyzable and total ferrous iron, respectively.
取硫酸亞鐵一区二区福利导航在线、反丁烯二酸亞鐵白色白色在线视频、氯化亞鐵、艱基鐵91网站免费看国产、Iron asporotate黄色片A片网站、Amino acid chelated iron、氯化鐵與焦磷酸鐵等不同鐵劑添加於脫脂還原乳中進行體外消化試驗东北乱伦视频,並篩選生物利用性佳之鐵劑分別添加於全脂還原乳中20内精品久久久久精品,以可透析二價鐵欧美XXXX超碰精品99、可透析總鐵、未透析二價鐵及總二價鐵等作為評估之指標911精品国产手机在线。
The interaction of tributyltin, the main components of antifouling paint of ships, and its degradation products of monobutyltin and dibutyltin with human serum albumin was investigated by ultraviolet, fluorescence and circle dichromism spectra. The influences of the concentration, acidity, organic solvent such as ethanol and ionic strength on the interaction of butyltin compounds and HSA molecule were examined to find that the interaction of butyltin compounds and HSA was dual.
Our research focused on the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds through the reaction between the dihalogen compounds and amides or carbamates.
Three aspects were included here:The derivatives of dihydrol,2,4,5-tetrazine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid were synthesized via three different routes:(1) four new compounds were synthesized via the reaction bet ween dihydrol,2,4,5-tetrazine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid, thionyl chloride and corresponding alcohol ;(2) first ,dimethyl dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-3,5-dicarboxylate wer e synthesized, then ,another four new compounds were obtained t hrough the alcoholysis under the catalyst ;(3) three acylamines were got through the ammonolysis betw een dimethyl dihydro-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-3,5-dicarboxylate and amines.
From the point view of product distribution, conversion of dimethyl ether and energy consumption, with RCD plasma DME conversion was higher and was hardly affected by the residence time of dimethyl ether, and hydrogen, carbon monoxide and unsaturated hydrocarbons with RCD plasma were more than those with DBD plasma.There was no liquid product with RCD plasma, but the liquid product obtained with DBD plasma consisted of aldehydes, alcohols and methoxy-containing organic compounds, for instance, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, dimethoxy ethane and so on.Moreover, most compositions of liquid product were methoxy-containing compounds, and the liquid product selectivity was as high as 32.23%.However, energy consumption for the reaction with DBD plasma was more than that with RCD plasma.
- 推薦網(wǎng)絡例句
And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
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Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.
Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...