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與 isotope 相關(guān)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)例句 [注:此內(nèi)容來源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)激情图片激情小说用什么软件看,僅供參考]

The result of factor analysis can provide the changes of relative precipitation and temperature variations. In trace elements, Cu, As, Zn, Pb and Ni were apparently enrichmented in soil layers and are sensitive to climatic changes. Carbon isotope is more sensitive to climatic changes than that of oxygen isotope in loess stratigraphy. The heavy mineral are varified in the loess stratigraphy, but their content differences between loess and palaeosol is little. Though the palynologic analyses results reveal that pollens and spores are fewer in the loess stratigraphy, they differ greatly in loess layer and palaeosol layer not only in species but also in types, i. e., the pollens and spores indicating warm and moist climate, such as Lles, Podocarpus, Polopydium, Pteris grerilliana Wall, Pterocarya and Juglans appear in palaeosol layers, while those indicating cold and dry climate such as Ephedra, Artemisia, Chinopodiaceae, Picea and Abies exist mainly in loess layers. The pollen content of broad-leaved tree mainly consisting of Pterocarya is up to 60% in palaeosol 〓, while the content of Ephedra is more than 50% in 〓 loess layer, showing that the environment differed greatly when 〓 and 〓 were formed.


The feature of oxygen isotope for magnetite from Abagong iron deposit reflects that the water in the fluid of mineralization resides in the initial magma, implying the magma genesis of mineralization. The similaritary features of REE and trace elements for coexisting apatite with magnetite in the Abagong, the Kiruna type and the Ninwu porphyrite iron deposit show their common genesis, indicating that Abagong iron deposit resulted from the intrusion of late ore magma due to the magma differentiation. The characteristic of sulfur isotope composition implies that the Abagong iron deposit resides in basaltic magma from mantle resource.


Using GC/C/MS on-line carbon isotope analysis technique, we obtained the stable carbon isotope ratios of n-alkanes, iso-alkanes from the light hydrocarbon compositions and pristane, phytane in crude oils in Tarim basin.


Distinguish by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions.


The calculated results show that the CaI vibrational population peaks moved to low value.The calculated cross-section changed slightness duo to isotope effect. The angle product distributions tend to backward scattering also and isotope effect is not observably. Thecalculated


The current study and C and O isotope evolution are consistent with the previous research results, which provides isotopic evidence supporting the existence of an aulacogen basin alone, and furthermore are highly concordant with the C and O isotope evolutions in Belt Supergroup in North America and MidRiphean in Ural, Russia, which suggests a response to a global paleoocean geochemical setting.


E. , the middle Devonian sedimentary event, which sedimented a suite of epicontinental -coasta1 paraf1ysch formation (the litholcgy was consisted of low fractoin feldspare sandstone and siltstone, and a layer of argilliferous limestone); secondly, the late Variscan magmatic-tectonic event , three biotite diorite batholiths ( previous K-Ar model isotope age was about 220~260Ma and our two -stage common lead isotope age was 260+ 70Ma) and a large number of fracture-controlled quartz diorite veins intrude, and a series of NS distributed tightly complex folds and fractures were developed; thirdly, the late Paleozoic very 1ow grade metamorphism- deformation event, the chlorite-illite crystallinity indices (Δ°2θ) XRD measurements were about 0.25~0.29, which was correlated to the lower part of the anchimetamorphism, and the extremely dense schists were developed throughout the district outcrops


The study indicates that the Pb and Zn ore-forming elements probably come from the basement rocks; The initial Pb isotope could be derived from the crust-mantle mixing in the erogenic belt; sulfur isotope composition is enriched in heavy sulfur that may have come from the seawater sulfate in the synchronous sedimentation; the ore is characterized with REE enrichment, obvious fractionation of LREE and flat-pattern of HREE; ore-forming media is thermal brine fluid; both mineralization temperature and pressure are low; the metallogenic epoch is probably in late Dengying epoch of Sinian period.


There was enrichment of the heavier isotope of mesoplankton with increasing grain size, showing carbon isotope enrichment along trophic levels.


Three hypotheses is put forward, based on microexamination about sample evaporation during determaination of isotope abundance by thermal ionization:1. Only atoms uncovered by outer layer atoms can be vapoured; 2. Atoms covered by outer layer atoms can diffuse but cannot vapoure; 3. The probability of diffusion of isotope atoms is in direct proportion to its probability of evaporation.

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In the negative and interrogative forms, of course, this is identical to the non-emphatic forms.


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