
英語人>網(wǎng)絡例句>muscular 相關的網(wǎng)絡例句

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與 muscular 相關的網(wǎng)絡例句 [注:此內容來源于網(wǎng)絡黄色视频免费观看网站,僅供參考]

It's premium performance to go with a contemporary, muscular presence.


Not only is it muscular, but endurance as well.


They should also be very muscular with a powerful back legs.


The end result, he managed to increase his weight from 185 pounds to a muscular 220 pounds.


He worked apart due to a muscular problem.


Muscular endurance – You will be able to perform an activity for an extended period of time.

肌耐力 -您可以執(zhí)行的活動長時間的時間91人妻系列绿帽。

RESULTS: A total of 36 rabbit models, 6 in the 1-month therapy group and 8 in the 3-month therapy group were died from infection. In the 1-month therapy group, thick ureteric wall and smooth ureteric lumina developed without any contracture. Under the optical microscope, transitional epithelial cells covered throughout the inner walls and smooth muscle cells appeared sparsely in a mussy configuration. In addition, CKAE1/AE3 staining was positive butα-actin staining was very weak when checked by immunohistochemistry. In the 3-month therapy group, amnion-ureters were enclosed by their peripheral tissue and showed rich blood vessels and normal ureteric lumina without significant contracture, futher more, there had formed a well-arranged transitional epithelial layer and smooth muscular layer, the immunohistochemistry result showed that the expression of CKAE1/AE3 and α-actin were positive.

結果:36只大白兔中,1個月治療組死亡6只黄色网站/在线,3個月治療組死亡8只无修正小视频在线观看视频,死亡原因均為感染。1個月治療組大白兔羊膜輸尿管柔軟色色色色色婷婷,長4 cm日韩一区二区三区在线观看,管壁變厚,無攣縮色色综合五月,移行上皮組織爬滿內壁91AV免费视频,平滑肌組織部分再生,但較稀疏欧美AAAA级精品a片,排列不規(guī)則3a级黄色视频;免疫組織化學檢查提示CKAE1/AE3染色陽性,α-Actin染色微弱欧美日韩免费乱码高清视频。3個月治療組大白兔羊膜輸尿管與周圍粘連色呦呦.m3.u8,有豐富的血運,無明顯攣縮成人熟女综合电影网站,管腔不縮小综合网网,已形成良好的移行上皮層和平滑肌層,免疫組織化學顯示α-Actin和CKAE1/AE3染色均為陽性先锋资源导航。

As a direct consequence of the interdigitating filament model of the myofibril and the corresponding theory of muscular contraction put forward by H.


The myotonia (delayed relaxation of a muscle after a strong contraction) occurring in myotonic muscular dystrophy may be treated with medications such as quinine , phenytoin , or mexiletine but no actual long term treatment has been found.


During the past few years, several hospitals employed the mycelium of Ganoderma capens Teng obtained by submerged fermentation by our Institute for the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy, atrophlic myotonia and certain other related dtseases whih encouraging results.


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Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.


Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...
