
英語人>網絡例句>pine 相關的網絡例句
與 pine 相關的網絡例句 [注:此內容來源于網絡黄色视频在线观看你懂的,僅供參考]

These are Flexible Pine Tree, Complacent Pine Tree, Sleeping Dragon Pine Tree, Nine Dragon Pine Tree and Embracing Pagoda Pine Tree, called in all Jie Tai Five Pine Trees.


Research on the ecological restoration area in Wuxi country in the reservoir area of three gorges, which considering China Armand pine and mason pine as the dominant plant of the mixed broadleaf-conifer forest including fir-mason pine of mixed forest, cypress-mason pine of mixed forest and pure filbert forest of the soil.


Pine bark has the qualities of fine quality and cheap,useful Iin is3、 years if the pine ground su.bstance is used,if use float grass,and the time limit is only one year,the production cost of pine bark as ground substance is lower than the float grass.comparing with Using pine bark and float grass on Moth orchid.the seedling period is shortened one month pine bark media is suitable for Moth orchid,iron sheet dendrobe,spring dendrobe,etc..


South the pine lumber or south the yellow pine is four kind of main tree seeds: Shortleaf-pine, longleaf pine, pinus elliottii and pinus taeda's representative.


The auther studied the community ecology of soil pro-tozoa by chosing the five representative forest types,korean-pine-broad-leaved forest,broad-leaved-korean-pine forest,korean-pine forest,broad-leaved forest andsylvesfriformis-pine forest in the coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest zone on northern slope of ChangbaiMountain during the summer of 1985-1987 in order tounderstand the composition of species and number of soilprotozoa in different forest types of the coniferous-broad leaved mixed forest zone;species dibersity indexand evenness index of soil protozoa in community;pro-tozoan density and biomass;noteworthiness of the re-gularity of protozoan number variance;distributionpattern in community;horizontal distribution;relation-ship of vertical distribution and soil micro-environ-ment etc.,and compare the similarities and differencesof these five forest types according to feature ofsoil protozoan community,and finally summarize thetheoretical regularity,the index or the evidonceof the best forest-type structure.


Since the summer of this year, the local emergence of dry pine stumpage previous years the phenomenon of a relatively large increase, while in some samples of dead pine wood nematode was first detected to be, Wuyi County, is enhanced search, in particular is to strengthen the right pot Mountain Provincial Forest Park, Tong-Qin town, the new Zhai Town, and other key regions in the dead pine forests microscopy sample separation, so far the county has accumulated more than 20 batches of samples microscopy showed no pine wood nematode.


Extraction of pine nut oil, residual oil dregs food after extraction as well as its producing method, that is obtaining pine nut after exuviating and removing skin; obtaining pine nut oil by exceed critical CO2 hydro-extraction; to get out the residual oil dregs after extraction to dry, then to grind into powder, and adding Chinese chestnut powder and walnut powder to mix as well as dry again to produce complex pine nut nutrition powder.

松籽仁油的萃取美女狂摸尿口动态图GIF、萃取剩余油渣食品及其制造方法,是松籽經脫殼免费看到女人爽到高潮的视频、去衣得松籽仁黄色网站秒播视频;進行超臨界CO 2 流體萃取得松籽油;萃取剩余油渣取出進行烘干黄视频在线无限免费看,再經磨碎成粉美国免费黄色大片、加入板栗粉和核桃粉、混合在线观看A网址、再次干燥成復合松籽仁營養(yǎng)粉麻豆日韩一级黄片。

Applied with test of potted plant and measurement absorbency for study response of the contents of photosynthetic pigments of slash pine's half-sib under water stress. There are 7 families comparison with general slash pine. The contents of photosynthetic pigments are mensurated under feebleness water stress while soil water content is 55% to 60% and moderate water stress while soil water content is 35% to 40% and heavy water stress while soil water content is 20% to 25%. The test result indicate that either water grads or families of chlorophyll and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b and Chla/Chlb and carotenoid and Caro/Chl are mighty notable difference. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb little drop from normal soil water to initial water stress. Then drop obvious with increased water stress. The Caro and Caro/Chl little drop firstly from normal soil water to initial water stress,then up in metaphase water stress,after drop in evening water stress. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb and Caro of slash pine'half-sib are over general slash pine. The Chl and Chla and Chlb and Chla/Chlb and Caro of 464 and 1027 are over average value of slash pine's half-sib under water stress. The Caro/Chl of 609 and 46 are over average value of slash pine's half-sib under water stress.


Production of the European pine, Finland wood, southern pine, Canadian red cedar, fir, pine, Russian pine and various sub-Catalpol wood line anti-corrosion products, carbonized wood, fire-retardant material had been used for residential quarters, villas, parks, squares, etc..


Thailand,Java,Indo-China,Burma,Borneo,Sumatra and Philippines.Merkus pine called Cambodian pine Sumata pine and Mindoro pine by theri orgin.Sometimes planted.In Indonesia this species has been planted for long.Export of logs banned.


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Hunger Of The Pine
Old Pine
Pine Trees
Pine Comb Poem
Lonesome Pine
The Pine Tree
Mr. Pine
Knotty Pine
Pine And Stew
9th At Pine

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