
英語人>網絡例句>render 相關的網絡例句

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與 render 相關的網絡例句 [注:此內容來源于網絡黄色网站免费查询,僅供參考]

As early as the first century AD, Pliny the Elder wrote that the sap of a tithymalus plant could be used to render a message invisible to prying eyes.


A Should the Tow break away from the Tug during the course of the towage service, the Tug shall render all reasonable services to re-connect the towline and fulfill this Agreement without making any claim for salvage.


If you try to access such a page, the system will return a "reset" message and temporarily render the whole site unaccessible.


But the great souls having taken refuge of the divine nature, O Arjuna, render devotional service unto Me with undeviated mind knowing Me as the imperishable origin of all creation.


There are a couple of problems with this method: first, if one of those files (usually filled with random gibberish so as to make them "unguessable") is damaged it can render the whole system useless until a restore operation is performed and how often do YOU backup your system?


Because of the time delay unsynchronized control force may be applied to the structures, which may cause degradation in the efficiency of control or may even render the structures unstable. There for, it is of importance to make research on the time delay problem.


The reason I cannot set up a website inside China is that if I have it hosted on the mainland, in accordance with China's legal system, I would be required to register. If, following registration the website carries content related to something political, just a phone call from the "communication administration" would see my posts deleted, and in the case the webmaster happens to be unreachable, the "communication administration" will notify the ISP to delete the website of the host server, render it unvisitable.


To ensure accurate results you'll want to make sure that the vertices are queried in render order.


Say you have a human muscle you want to render volumetrically, you now need some way to specify information about every point inside your surface.


They opposed the Pharisaic assertion that the scrolls of the Holy Scriptures have, like any holy vessel, the power to render unclean the hands that touch them Yad.


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I Am Render
Human Technology Will Render You Obsolete

And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.

47:5 法老對約瑟說最新婷婷99毛片精品视频,你父親和你弟兄們到你這里來了。

Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.


Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...
