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Has obvious effect to function obstacle of prostate such as emiction frequent and difficult bring on nephro-pathy, waist ache, prostati-tis, etc.
Her smile broadened as she felt his arms encircle her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder.
Foetus in wrong position; abnormal fetal position; malpositionThe main injured parts included prolapse of lumbar intervertebral, muscles of waist and back myofascitis, epiphysitis of lumbar spine, malposition of lumbar spine and lumbar muscle strain.
Because the human body erectness vertebra burden is overweight, easy to cause the waist and back ache and the internal organs sagging, adopts animal's natural posture to be possible to achieve the treatment goal.
Consisting of a pair, the erector spinae keeps the spine erect and helps twisting at the waist.
The way I gave my grandmother told us a dish of riddle:"White Pan Guniang mud to hide, more than eye-beam with slender waist."
The translation is done by a computer linked to the eyepiece and worn on the waist of the user.
The bad symptoms such as excessive internal heat, dry skin, constipation, insomnia, fantod, waist ache and lower limb adiposity show that the body is under sub-health state.
不良癥狀,如過量內部熱欧美三级久久免费片,皮膚干燥亚洲男女精品视频网站,便秘,失眠国产欧洲专区在线, fantod 91精彩国产,腰部酸痛,下肢肥胖表明色野狼综合基地,該機構是根據亞健康狀態(tài)日韩免费一区二区三区免费视频道。
Mankind's history up to now helps a culture by torture Jun method to often see not fresh, like the Xing of fire Fen, commit by poison of Xing, behead, cut a waist, bury alive, boil Lao, car crack, Ling2 Chi2, disorderly the stick kill, execute by shooting, exterminate whole family, five horse cent corpses, dig to the prisoner's large intestine to bind while also having Sung Dynasty Bad is at the horsetail up, whip son a ring the horse drive fast and the prisoner immediately draws last breath an etc.
At last the structure tolerance of the expand core fiber is studied. And then the optical coupling efficiency imposed by the position of Gaussian beam on the grating is discussed by comparing the Gaussian beam output from expand core fiber, single mode fiber and free space Gaussian beam with waist radius of 16 microns.
最后分析了擴束光纖的結構容差,并討論了所設計擴束光纖的輸出光束中国欧美亚洲范冰冰与中字、單模光纖的輸出光束以及束腰半徑為16 μm的自由空間高斯光束各自在光柵表面的位置變化對光柵耦合效率的影響人人干人人αⅤ。
- 推薦網絡例句
And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
47:5 法老對約瑟說,你父親和你弟兄們到你這里來了手淫视频网站。
Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.
Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...