- 與 瘤胃 相關(guān)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)例句 [注:此內(nèi)容來源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)黄色网站av在线免费观看,僅供參考]
So it means the addition of caproic acid and hydrochloric acid had improved the silage quality.
Phylogentic analysis of Umbgl3A indicated umbgl3A may come from a species of Cytophaga.
I've enjoyed tripe in Mexican menudo, of course; in northern Chinese "red-cooked" style; in a mild, rather eggy Turkish soup; from a street wagon in Florence, dressed in a thick marinara-type sauce with a mountain of grated cheese on it; and, as alanbarnes says, pho.
The method of DNS was utilized to study the changes in activities of 3 main fiber hydrolytic enzymes and fiber digestion.
The results showed that: the metabolizable glucose value of the basal diet was 45.40±
It is not enough to consider separately the potential energy loss as a result of starch fermentation in the rumen for evaluating the efficiency of utilization about starch in the small intestine. Therefore, it is indispensable to evaluate the contribution of glucose absorbed from the small intestine to metabolizable glucose and the potential energy loss and healthy benefit as a result of starch fermentation in the large intestine.
Burroughs W%Nelson D K%Mertens D R Protein physiology and its application in the lactating cow:The metabolizable protein feeding standard Journal of Animal Science , 1975,null
陳喜斌 不同氮源日糧在瘤胃發(fā)酵和消化規(guī)律的研究北京:北京農(nóng)業(yè)大學精品日本欧美, 1994,null
This study was conducted to evaluate effects of normal and deodorized garlic oil on rumen fermentation, methanogenesis and microbiota in vitro.
Characterize the chemical structure of these compounds using traditional wet chemistry techniques as well as Synchrotron-sourced Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy
應(yīng)用常規(guī)化學方法和同步紅外顯微光譜儀鑒定生物活性物的化學構(gòu)成;桿菌O157:H7 效果和調(diào)節(jié)瘤胃代謝功能的關(guān)系
The two experiment were carried out to study effect of ratio of structural and nonstructural carbohydrates in diets on digestion and metabolism of nutrients as well as rumen metabolic parameters for sheep.
- 推薦網(wǎng)絡(luò)例句
And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
47:5 法老對約瑟說,你父親和你弟兄們到你這里來了91华人精品自拍。
Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.
Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...